All frequent computer users need to improve their typing skills by increasing their speed, which always comes in handy, and Speedometer is a good typing program to help the cause. This is a free program, which basically measures the typing speed on a daily basis and tracks the improvement as time progresses.
The user doesn’t need to enroll into any typing classes for enhancing the typing skills and can work with this free tutor without disturbing the day-to-day life in anyway. Simply by running the application while typing e-mails, the user can analyze the speed as well as accuracy for analyzing typing skills as a whole.
The speedometer indicates how fast the user is typing and also how often errors are committed. It ultimately reflects whether or not the user is improving the typing skills. This interesting application has good functionality and efficient work; and it does not contain any surprises like adware, spyware, viruses, etc.
Speedometer supports Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP operating systems, but lacks support to Windows Vista.